This ring network visualization shows the matches played by Juan Martin Del Potro and his opponents in the 2009 US Open.

Each node represents a player. The size of the node indicates the participation frequency of this player in the US Open from 2003 to 2009. It implies the familarity of this player with this tournament, such as the court condition and the climate. The color represents his experience, namely, the number of years since they turned pro. The darker the color, the more experienced he is.

Mouse over each node for a detailed description of each player, including his basic information and who his opponents were. Click on each node to see his own ring network. The name of the "focus" player will appear larger than his network nodes. Click on the "CHAMPION" button to go back to Juan Martin Del Potro's ring network.

Analysis and Visualization created by Mengying Li
Powered by D3 and D3plus